Friday, May 31, 2013

Teasing, Seduction and Ritual Courtship (African Style)

Africans have very ancient cultures passed on from generation to generation for thousands of years. In the teachings of traditional African cultures, everything in the world is inhabited by spirit; we're all essentially spirits with a physical form. As spirit and matter, we all have the ability to naturally slide into ecstasy or "fly" into the realms that spirits inhabit and to experience these "other worlds" with all the senses of the ordinary physical realm.

One doesn't try to be spiritual, he or she just is...

Spirituality and physicality are meant to go together. These two are in-separable. When spirituality is ignored, physicality is misused, and when physicality is denied, spirituality is corrupted. But when spirituality and physicality are nurtured as inseparable, we experience "heaven on earth."

A life lived on earth with a conscious effort to connect spirit and physical form is a life fully lived. The sexual union between a man and woman is believed to be a beautiful thing because it whets our appetite for creating life-physically and spiritually. Every time we have sexual intercourse there is a potential for a child to be conceived, a potential for a spirit-soul to come down from the spirit world of souls into this physical world.

The sexual act also whets our appetite for exploring, experiencing, and sharing body and spirit with another. The sex act is one of the most powerful tests of self-knowledge and interpersonal power in the African epistemological universe.

African erotic cultures are characterized by a fiery passion to experience sexual union as often as is possible, not on abstaining from it...

The African understanding of sexual awareness is more than about sexual pleasure, it is also a self-reflective process rooted in the concept of surrender-surrender to the facets of ourselves that are more unruly, highly energized, spontaneous, unpredictable, uncertain, and closer to the primal forces of nature. Similarly the African understanding of "sexual union" is not always about "sexual penetration" but about extending and experiencing the flow of raw sexual or erotic energy using all of our senses.

Sexual abstinence (no sexual intercourse) is not equated to "chastity" in which an individual chooses to deliberately abstain from any sexual union, pleasure or expression of sexual desire for religious purposes. An individual can enter a "sex fast," a selective kind of sexual abstinence in which one withdraws or withholds from certain sexual practices in order to heighten other particular senses while completing a task or undertaking. These are choices that one makes consciously.

In many traditional African societies men and women, young and old, have the "permission" to be openly sexual in a culturally acceptable way...

Sexual expression and enjoyment is not something that simply happens when a young man or woman reaches a certain chronological age. Parents and close family members are fully responsible for sexual education at the child's early age, but as boys and girls reach puberty, the community is responsible for their sexual education to ensure that they have sexually fulfilling lives. The community hands over this responsibility for adolescent sexual education to same-gender elders selected for their position in the community, their erotic experience, and inherited abilities to understand the intricate nature of sexual relationships.

Coming of age rituals begin at ages ranging from 12-18 years and can last up to five years. Girls and boys are often taken out of the community, away from the concerns of everyday life, to teach them all the ways of adulthood. They are exposed to rigorous studies of the self, one's purpose in life and contribution to society. While in a non-threatening environment, the initiates are guided to uncover their sense of self and to examine their beliefs, values, and thoughts-(Who am I? What is the meaning of my existence? What do I have within me to achieve my life's purpose? How do I know the truth? How do I know when I've stepped out of harmony with who I truly am? Etc.).

Before joining the adult community, they also learn about the changes happening in their minds and bodies as well as the responsibilities that come with those changes, rules and taboos of the society, moral instruction, and social responsibility. Their education also includes the "how to" of sex. Knowledge in the elements of sexual performance is given and demonstrated in an explicit manner. This knowledge is, in all cases, considered sacred and secret, and not to be shared with the uninitiated or "outsiders."

Boys learn a masculine cockiness whose discourse is centered on protecting, taking care of, and giving pleasure to women...

Their sexual "how to" education includes knowledge about "medicinal plants," (see Uganda Sex Tree - National Georgraphic) ideas about sexual prowess, endurance, and "sex-fasts"-rituals of abstinence used to heighten the senses.

The curriculum of the rites of passage for girls is centered on self-awareness, grace, and dignity. Their "pleasure" education includes how to emotionally and physically prepare themselves for intercourse and includes such practices as clitoris elongation and massage; masturbation (looking for the bean in the oil as they call it); the use of tantalizing, jingling, and jangling sexual movements enhanced with musical sounds, beads, body decorations, scents, and incense that heighten sexual pleasure. Girls also learn about culturally prescribed coital positions and art of lovemaking (see Teaching Safe Sex, Ugandan-style).

The months immediately following initiation into adulthood are a time of exploration, fun, joyfulness, laughter, and defining one's sexual identity and assertiveness. Girls and boys move away from playing with their own sexual peers to exploring relationships with the opposite gender-playing pranks; engaging in petty altercations; feigned pain, disgust, and anger; mutual teasing such as addressing each other as "heartthrob," "sweetheart," "husband," or "wife."

Girls say to boys, things like, "You are so much in love with me, you can't sleep at night"; "You look at me and wish you could have me but all you can do is just look"; "You are all talk but when it comes to it you cannot even keep it up for half the night," etc. And boys say to girls, "Have you fed our baby?"; "Would you mind preparing my dinner tonight, dear wife?"; "Even my snake knows you because it raises its head whenever it sees you," etc.

The relationship between young men and women becomes more physical because of their engagement in co-ed wrestling and stage-acted fighting routines and riddling games meant to express wit and sexuality. Young men and women also learn culturally acceptable sexual expression and public sexual contact through formalized flirtation and seduction dance ceremonies, sometimes called moonlight dances or mating dances. These are settings in which young people ages 12-18 are allowed (more like expected) to explore seductive and flirtatious communication that includes silent speech and suggestive and provocative dance moves. The dances take place during the full moon in a special arena cleared for the occasion, or in a chief's or elder's compound.

For every young person, these are special occasions that require a lot of preparation-plaiting the hair, decorating the body with ornaments and plant dyes, whitening the teeth using certain roots, and so forth.

Dances begin at dusk when the drum that summons the dancers is sounded...

The dance itself is performed in a circle, with the dancers facing the centre, or in a line following a circular path with the drummers in the middle. In some dances, boys and girls alternate dancing inside the circle while the opposite sex admires their dance moves. In other dances, individuals step into the circle one after the other. A dancer is rated primarily on his or her ability to stamp out the rhythm of the drum with his or her feet and to follow the musical rhythm of the song with the simultaneous use of the torso and shoulders, and the rapid vibrations or twists of the buttocks and pelvis. Characteristic rhythmic patterns vary from culture to culture, and from dance to dance within one culture, but the common feature in all cultures is the simultaneous rhythmic body articulation, foot-stamping, and/or light leaping movements. The drummers and other dancers respond to a good performance by a lively chorus usually laden with erotic innuendo.

I remember one particular song in my birth language which when translated into English goes something like this:


I was in my house and would have liked to stay
But he [drummer] has come and wants to discuss the matter in public
So I have left my house and that is why you see me here

I am like a cricket. I would like to sing
But the wall of earth that surrounds me prevents me
Someone has forced me to come out of my hole-so I will sing

I am like the dog that stays by the door until he gets a bone
You have forced me to come when the sun has set
We shall still be here when the sun rises

Nobody goes both ways at the same time
You have told me this and you have told me that
Surely one of the two must be wrong
That is why I am here

[The others then join with a chorus]


Is something bothering you?
Why not step in the circle?
Is something itching you?
Why not appease the throb?
See what will happen.
Who knows, maybe . . .

Each dancer then steps into the circle and completes the sentence with erotic motions and movement that mirror and reflect an evolving identity and personality, expressing individual freedom and pent-up emotions.

The sensuous abandon leaves little to the imagination as the dancer flirts with his or her audience with the use of the eyes, and as he or she ripples with imaginative erotic movements and overall bodily experience.

The African subtle, bred-in-the-bone, curiously innocent sensuousness should not be confused with grabbing crotches à la Michael Jackson or table top clutching and flashing breasts. It's not a strip tease either, but more like a hypnotic eroticism that draws its power from fascination with the implied -- creativity, imagination and suggestion -- and generates plenty of erotic electricity that pulls in all those around.

A dancing African is not at all concerned about what he or she looks like when dancing or with whom he or she is dancing with...

A man will dance with a woman. Men will dance with men. Women will dance with women. Children will dance with elders. Humans will dance with domesticated animals. And most of the time, an African will dance with no one at all except him or herself.

The tempo of the drumming, singing, clapping, cheers, and ululations all combine to bring the dancer into an ecstatic state. And when ecstasy grips, the dancer is transported into another world, and sometimes has to be woken up by some kind of rude reality -- like falling hard on the ground.

Even the most reluctant observer testifies to the hopelessness of resistance once the "heart throbs like a native drum." It's like one is drawn in by an omnipotent will. You feel it in your heart, your chest begins to expand. It spreads throughout the body and you begin to involuntarily move. It enters your bones and you just give up. How can you resist something more powerful than yourself?

Dancers learn to heighten their senses and focus their sexual energy to achieve a state of ecstasy...

Surrender, abandon, or to "lose control," is an art in African cultures, something that is taught from the day a child is born because it is believed that without the required skill to artfully do so, we would "lose control" rebelliously, blindly, recklessly, and dangerously. If we get hurt during such times, it would only reinforce our fear of abandon and surrender, steering us away from the ability to really enjoy life.

During the rites of passage, young people go through rituals and dances that help them learn how to skillfully and deliberately surrender or loosen up-turning oneself over to the power of the unknown and unknowable. These rituals are based on the philosophy that says that when we are most truly vulnerable, we are more of ourselves, more open, more trusting, and free to follow the intuitive and spontaneous erotic impulses of our hearts and souls. It is only by entering this door of helpless surrender that we discover true intimacy.

One performance is followed by another .. and there are songs and dances to court lovers as well as songs to insult rivals...

Over the course of the night, songs easily become a battle of the sexes, and in most cases, turn into sexual seduction. Some daring and overly self-confident young man will inevitably, from time to time, dance towards the girls flaunting his hips or pelvis. The girls then mockingly strike back by tightly knitting their arms around one another's waists. This stops the young man from singling out any particular one girl as his target for teasing. But some young men are not repelled by this kind of sisterly bonding and will continue to approach, sending the girls running away, laughing, and screaming euphorically, only to come back and join the dance.

It is at times like these that girls and boys practice what they've been taught about erotic rituals, the art of seduction, and the effective way of transmitting sexual energy and attracting attention in order to be chosen by the opposite sex. Girls learn that showing off healthy skin and child-bearing hips, eye or soul-gazing, and a confident and cheerful personality gets the boys all wound up. Boys on the other hand, learn that physical fitness and flexibility, playfulness and cockiness, are attributes that make one stand out.

During the breaks when drummers change to dancers and other dancers take over the drumming, boys and girls step aside into the less lit corners, either in groups or pairs. There may be affectionate petting, stroking and caressing, but sexual intercourse is not supposed to take place -- well, sometimes it does.

In many traditional African societies, boys and girls are strictly forbidden to engage in penetrative sex until they are properly initiated into adult status. Many cultures have what is accepted or permissible as adolescent or "immature sex" and what is considered adult or mature sex. Adolescents may be permitted to engage in all forms of sexual pleasure except penetrative sex. In many cultures, penetrative sex is believed to be harmful mainly because the girl will get pregnant out of wed-lock, something that is considered a severe disgrace to her family status. Usually brothers and cousins monitor their sisters or cousins to make sure no sexual intercourse takes place and also to make sure no young man tries to force them into doing anything against their will. The more respected and feared a girl's brothers and cousins are, the more respectful young men are towards her.

Parents and elders as a whole do not interfere with the flirtations of their children...

Some parents may sit at a distance and watch for socially unacceptable behaviour. A boy or girl who disrespects the family name with unacceptable behaviour is heavily punished. Depending on the gravity of the crime, punishment can be anything from scolding, to spanking with a leather whip.

Enabling the sexes to meet on neutral ground, openly and respectably, tends to remove some of the secrecy and unhealthy curiosity that is part of the mental transition from the self-contained experience of early youth to the new awareness of the new polarity of the sexes. Teen competitiveness, constant body contact, and purported romantic liaisons all provide individual and interactive challenges, and contribute to personal maturation, social development, and spiritual enrichment. They provide an individual a level of confidence and exuberance that comes from a healthy sexual attitude and a healthy sexual life.

These mating dances are often fruitful arenas for initiating relationships -- traditional dating agencies as it were -- supervised by elderly persons experienced in such affairs...

Unfortunately, traditional systems of sexual education are quickly disappearing and many young people today get little or no meaningful sexual induction. Contemporary or "modern" African societies mostly concentrated in urban centers and townships have adopted the culture of "passing the buck" with reference to the social institutions that ought to take care of children and undertake sexual education in the early years of development. The family passes the responsibility to the school, the school to the church, while the church, in turn, passes it back to the family. In the end, the child gets no proper instruction. Most of what many African children raised in urban and sub-urban Africa know about sex is from the little sexual information they come across in books, on television, and from their peers. This serves as a means by which they define their sexual identities and behaviours.

As Africa becomes more "modernized," adolescence to adulthood passage rites are being replaced with getting a driver's license, getting drunk, or getting laid. Many modern Africans have discarded the slow, subtle arts of flirtation and charm that our ancestors have used successfully for thousands of years, and replaced them with the "modern" quick, direct strikes -- punching his or her number into the cell phone, grinding and bumping with him or her on the dance floor, rubbing his shoulders or her feet, and having sex with each other senseless -- all within an hour.

Young people are growing up uneasy and uncomfortable about their bodies and most are out of touch with their sexual thoughts, feelings, and bodily responses. Many are sexually confused, anxious, and insecure. Formal schools and universities in modern Africa are often centres of even greater sexual recklessness and promiscuity on the one hand, and ignorance and repressed sexual uptightness on the other.

Similar cultural stories are being written in other parts of the world, all over the globe. This is a call for all of us, people all over the world, to wake up, reflect, see where we've fallen away, and to begin to heal ourselves towards a healthy sexuality.

Disclaimer: Much of what I discuss here does not apply to "African cultures" that are a mixture of borrowed fragments of modernity and exhausted relics of tradition but rather to Sub-Saharan African cultures that have not been influenced much by "modern" ideas and concepts, Judeo-Christianity and Islam.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Disney Princess: Vanity Table with Stool from Creative Design, Inc

Disney Princess: Vanity Table with Stool
List Price : $99.99

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We Want You to Consider The Disney Princess: Vanity Table with Stool We Are certain You Are Going To Like It

Over the last number of years since technology has been evolving rapidly and we have proceeded to work very hard to remain at the front, we're sure that you definitely will you will find the most up-to-date Disney Princess: Vanity Table with Stool will be as top of the line as you're gonna buy. We have been moving very hard to think up a awesome product which not simply carries out just what you got it for, and yet may far meet or exceed your hopes.

Our Disney Princess: Vanity Table with Stool certainly is the outcome of many months of research and difficult work, at Creative Design, Inc our company of industry experts have expended long hours trying to ensure that our latest offering is the result of this energy. Our company is positive that you're going to discover that each of the features we have loaded inside this product will not only achieve everything you're obtaining this for, it should perform lots of things that you did not actually thought of.

A lot of people shop for a Disney Princess: Vanity Table with Stool for the most fundamental features, however we've discovered and are fairly positive you will notice that once you see everything that our latest make is capable of doing, you'll speculate how you ever got by without one. When you find yourself willing to purchase a product that could make your daily life easier, we are certain the latest product does not only fill the bill, it will provide maximum value for your money and give you numerous years of service.

Click here for more on the Disney Princess: Vanity Table with Stool full review & cheap price

Disney Princess: Vanity Table with Stool

The princess in your house will delight in preparing for special events at her very own light-up vanity table.


  • Features 6 classic Disney Princesses including Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beaty, Belle, Ariel and Jasmine
  • Comes with stool and 10 accessories including play lotion bottle, lipstick, nail polish, perfume, brush, comb, 2 barrettes and a pair of earrings
  • Features light up heart and storage compartments to hold all of her make believe beauty accessories, jewelry and more
  • Open panel doors to hear magical sounds and reveal the heart shaped mirror
  • Assembled table measures 30 3/4" H x 16" W x 11" D

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bobkona Jaden Collection Vanity Set with Stool, White by Bobkona

Bobkona Jaden Collection Vanity Set with Stool, White
List Price : $489.99

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We Are Thrilled to At last Provide You Our Hottest Bobkona Jaden Collection Vanity Set with Stool, White

The entire world normally looks like it's anticipating that certain exceptional product to come along which is going to alter the way we complete certain things forever. The thing is that a lot of these products came around and were unable to measure up to the hoopla. This solely causes dissatisfaction should you have paid out hard earned money for the Bobkona Jaden Collection Vanity Set with Stool, White after which realizing that the product or service is no as good as the one that emerged before.

This is why Bobkona is happy to present to you Our latest Bobkona Jaden Collection Vanity Set with Stool, White. After a period of paying attention to what our consumers had to say about the items already available, our team of Bobkonas went to work. Their intention was to fully recreate the product from the beginning and make it into one that might more than surpass the buildup, which for many people is half of the key reason why they're buying something new.

After we completed creating the usual Bobkona Jaden Collection Vanity Set with Stool, White, then we went about turning it into one that will give anyone true value for your money. The thought being that although the majority of people will not mind purchasing an excellent simple product, we know you will love the extra variations our Bobkonas have added to make our merchandise to stay ahead of the pack and make it well worth buying. Basically we understand we could charge additional for it, we have chose to provide it to you at this very low cost.

For more information Bobkona Jaden Collection Vanity Set with Stool, White full review & Low price

Bobkona Jaden Collection Vanity Set with Stool, White

An enchanting style of dainty decor, the "Jaden" vanity set collection features a mirror with attached moveable externsions and a single-drawer table for storage and accessory display. The "Jaden" comes in a variety of colors with a bench seat upholstered in a paisley or solid color cushion.


  • You will receive a total of 1 desk and 1 chair
  • Mirror with attached moveable externsions
  • Single-drawer table for storage and accessory
  • Material: Wood and Fabric
  • Some easy assembly is required; assembly instruction is included

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Key Existence

A set up by Laura Taylor Just how much are you aware about those who you train with? We reside in a society where hobbies for example...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Gold Dressing Table and three Fold Mirror Set Table

Gold Dressing Table and three Fold Mirror Set Table H77xW120xD60cm Mirror H80xW102cm £567 call 01279 814 644 http://world wide kingdom/

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cherry brown finish wood large dressing makeup bedroom vanity set from Coaster Home Furnishings

From the beginning of our very best research, we have been trying to modify our item to give the very best pleasure to our clients. Also catch up in trend of planet technology and item design. We're really proud to present to you that our Cherry brown finish wood large dressing makeup bedroom vanity set is going to become the very best valuable answer for you and everybody who're searching for present or private utilised. We understand that our Coaster Home Furnishings advertising and marketing is base on the customer trust so we had been making our very best item because the beginning. very best valuable item is grow to be the first and most significant truth for Coaster Home Furnishings.

Cherry brown finish wood large dressing makeup bedroom vanity set

Apart from that cause, We're concern to all clients requiring that everyone searching for a excellent item which is within the very best reasonable cost. And a majority of customer around the world they had been searching for an extremely lengthy time that what exactly is the very best in international marketplace if they could doable find. And there are numerous options of advertising marketplace everywhere. However Cherry brown finish wood large dressing makeup bedroom vanity set will be the very best valuable selection and it can be come with a reasonable cost if compare to another item within the marketplace around the world. Finally we come up with this excellent idea of Cherry brown finish wood large dressing makeup bedroom vanity set that we think that's the excellent item with a reasonable cost for you.

Cherry brown finish wood large dressing makeup bedroom vanity set
List Price : $899.99

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VANITY SET features a warm medium wood finish with simple bronze colored hardware Dimensions:

  • Vanity:52" x Depth: 18" x Height: 69.5"
  • Stool:26"W x 16"D x 21"H
  • Some assembly may be required. Please see product details.
  • Feature

    • Gorgeous carvings
    • simple bronze colored hardware
    • eleagnt design
    • warm medium wood finish

    Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Every Women Room is Her Castle So Offer Her the Princess Furniture &amplifier Princess Style And Design She Warrants

    Many young girls imagine themselves to be princesses, when they don't already believe themselves to become princesses within their waking existence too. That's why princess furniture and princess style and design have grown to be very popular, and on top of most youthful girls' wish lists for the style of their very own private forts.

    You will find now women bunkbeds and attic beds designed the same shape as forts - with turrets and all sorts of. And since these princess beds are customized, a parent or gaurdian can be certain the unique children's furniture they are getting for his or her daughter is really as unique as she's.

    Once you have selected the princess castle mattress you intend to possess designed for your young girl, you will have a simple time finding princess bedding to complement. Pillow cases, sheets, blankets, bed comforters, even mattress skirts are available in most types of matching princess theme designs to go with the colour plan, style, and - if appropriate - the particular Disney or storybook figures inspiring the princess castle mattress you are thinking about.

    Actually, to create this most-personal of kids beds much more personal for your young girl, you may also have her help choose her very own bedding along with other add-ons. Young girls like to design their very own space - they are little designers, every one of them - and taking part within the colors and style plan of her very own princess bed room furniture can make her seem like the special princess or queen she's, and can make truly make her seem like this new mattress is her very own.

    Maybe she'd want to see flowering vines with colorful blossoms bursting forth from their store, climbing in the sides of her castle mattress. Or possibly she'd as an authentic granite stone surface rather. Or possibly she's more drawn to a good pink exterior that glitters within the light at certain angles. And does she desire a drawbridge, a waterfall, or home windows incorporated too?

    You will find certain practical facets of a castle bed's design that the young girl may also enjoy being involved with. For instance, does she prefer women bunkbeds, having a bedroom above and below, or would she favour a attic mattress having a playing area beneath it. Or, around the switch side, would she rather would rather keep her bed mattress around the lower, floor level, and also have the 2nd floor behave as a balcony for enjoying? Ways to get up and lower forwards and backwards levels is another consideration. Steps, stairs, climbing walls, and 35mm slides are options to select from, with much more exciting options available when incorporated together.

    Other princess bed room furniture to think about that appears to go with princess beds well are dressing tables, settees, not to mention, a cozy chair to her "throne". Kids bed room decor which go hands-in-hands with princess beds have an enchanting mirror, flattering lighting, a gentle flooring, just like a plush throw rug, along with a menagerie of stuffed toys and dolls to do something as her make-believe family and friends.

    Fortunately, most of the elements of design of princess castle beds and associated princess furniture and princess style and design could be built directly into the mattress itself - storage, for instance. Princess beds might have drawers, shelves, closets, displays, and chests included in them for storing your son's wardrobe, toys, plastic jewellery, dolls, dress-up clothes, along with other mementos and add-ons suitable for a princess.

    Tuesday, May 21, 2013

    Art Moderne/nineteen forties Antique Dressing Table Mirror French

    http://world wide - Art Moderne/nineteen forties Antique Dressing Table Mirror French Mirrors available (Newel Art and Antiques, New You are able to City)

    Sunday, May 19, 2013

    Does Restaurant Food Assist You To Become Taller? Discover Why Restaurants and Coffee Houses Are Extremely Popular

    Dependence on fast foods to grow taller goes back thousands of years ago. In the Roman forum more than two thousand years ago, urban consumers ate sausages and honey cakes. The Chinese ate stuffed buns in the twelfth century. Five hundred years ago, Spaniards encountered tacos in the markets of today's Mexico.

    Fast food has been part of American food culture to grow taller for many more years than most people realize. If your great-grandparents traveled by train in the early 1900s, they likely devoured "fast food," or quick meals, from the dining car. When the automobile took over, the dining-car concept was reinvented as fast-food restaurants, dotting the roadside. Eating in the car isn't new; the popular "drive-in" restaurant of the 1950s evolved into the "drive-through" window.

    How to feel comfortable when you dine alone? Any discomfort from eating alone shouldn't make you skip a meal or you won't grow taller. In reality, you're likely the only one who notices that you're a solo diner. If you feel conspicuous, ask for a table off to the side. Take an avid interest in your surroundings. Talk with the server; study the menu and the decor. While you wait, be productive: read, write a letter, jot down your "to do" list, do a little office work, or simply reflect on your day. Once your meal is served, put down your book or office work; eat slowly and savor the flavors. When you're traveling and truly need to let down and be alone, choose a hotel with room service!

    What spa cuisine is? Although the term isn't regulated, spa cuisine often refers to health-positioned food preparation to grow taller, perhaps promoted in resorts or health club cafes. On a menu that offers "spa cuisine" you may find foods with less fat or calories, more fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich grains, or perhaps smaller portions. Like any cuisine, you need to ask questions about the menu in order to get the best food for growing taller and order with consumer savvy.

    Today's fast-food menus offer far more options than traditional fare. From grilled chicken sandwiches, wraps, and broiled fish, to salads, to low-fat milk and fruit smoothies, you have plenty to choose from to grow taller, including lower-calorie, lower-fat, and fresh menu items. You might even find pizza, seafood, pasta, Tex-Mex food, stuffed baked potatoes, noodles, and deli items along with quick ethnic cuisine awesome and delicious means of growing taller. Breakfast also has become a big fast-food business. Even convenience stores where you gas up your car sell fast food-truly the "dining car" of the highway!

    Are fast-food meals healthful to grow taller? Overall, yes-if you choose wisely to get the one's with the most nutrients. Because menus are so varied, no overall comment can describe their nutritional value. Traditional meals-a burger, fries, a fried fruit turnover, and a soft drink, or fried chicken, biscuit, creamy slaw, and mashed potatoes with gravy-remain high in calories and fat, including saturated fat, and sodium, but low in vitamins A and C, calcium, and fiber, and short on fruits and vegetables. In response to consumer demand for growing taller, many of today's fast-food restaurants offer more varied menus with more vegetables and fruits; lower-calorie, lower-fat options; and smaller portions to grow taller while losing weight.

    Think before you buy any food to grow taller. Order takers often promote with marketing questions-for example, "Would you like fries with that?" or "Do you want the value size?" It's okay to say "no."

    Decide before you order whether the "value meal" is a good deal. If you don't need the extra food, there's really no extra value; smaller may cost less. Sharing may be a good deal.Split your order. Halve the calories and double the pleasure-share your fries or sandwich with a friend so you can both enjoy the benefits of growing taller!

    For flavor and nutrition, consider the other foods you have eaten-or will eat-during the day grow taller. Order fruits, vegetables, calcium-rich foods, and even whole grains if you can. Select a side of salad, raw vegetables, or coleslaw for added vitamins A and C, and fiber. Boost your calcium intake with reduced-fat, low-fat, or fat-free milk.

    Try different types of fast foods, not the same foods every day to receive extra nutrients to grow taller. Enjoy fast-food outlets that serve ethnic foods: perhaps Chinese stir-fry dishes, a Mexican burrito, Japanese domburi, or a vegetable-stuffed pita with cucumber-yogurt dressing. Often food courts in shopping malls allow you to travel the world of flavor without leaving home.

    For fried foods, pay attention to the oil used for frying. Most fast-food chains use 100 percent vegetable oil, which may be identified on the menu. Vegetable oil is cholesterol-free and high in polyunsaturated fatty acids; the oil used for frying in the fast-food industry is often high in trans fatty acids. And when French fries and other foods are fried in fat that's partly beef tallow, these foods contain more cholesterol and saturated fats.

    With Americans' hectic lifestyles, more people eat in the car-and more than 70 percent use the drive-through window, according to the National Restaurant Association. And cars and fast-food packaging are being designed to do that.

    When time is short, many people assume that the fastest food to grow taller comes from the drive-up window. Not so. Many times the drive-through line is longer than that for counter service. Beyond that, eating or drinking while driving not only can be messy, it's also dangerous when one hand is on the wheel and the other hand is holding a burger or a steaming hot beverage. If the cell phone rings at the same time, you may really be in trouble!

    Be sizewise about muffins and bagels, as well as croissants and biscuits. Muffins can be higher in fat than you'd think when they are big. A typical 2-ounce muffin has about 5 fat grams-10 to 15 fat grams or more if it's jumbo-size! A large bakery bagel can count toward as many as 6 ounces from the Grains Group.

    If you're a fast-food regular, go easy on egg entrees. The reason? you will become too fat and won't grow taller equally. A large egg has 213 milligrams of dietary cholesterol. Health experts advise that healthy people consume 300 milligrams of cholesterol or less per day, and eat yolks and whole eggs in moderation. A two-egg breakfast has at least 425 milligrams of cholesterol!

    Order juice as your breakfast beverage. With an 8-ounce carton of orange juice, you'll get more than 100 percent of the vitamin C you need in a day to grow taller in good health.

    At a deli? Ask for yogurt to go with your bagel and juice. An 8-ounce carton of low-fat fruit yogurt supplies about 315 milligrams of calcium, 225 calories, and just 2 to 3 fat grams. Or order a fruit cup!

    Hamburgers may be America's all-time favorite fast food. But chicken and fish have gained a significant market share, in part because consumers perceive them as lower in calories and fat. Chicken and fish sometimes have a lean advantage. However, fast-food preparation- breading, battering, and frying-bump up the calorie and fat content significantly. A fried fish or fried chicken sandwich may supply more calories and fat than a burger!

    To keep the lean advantage of hot sandwiches and to boost other nutrients to grow taller, consider this advice Boost the nutrients in all kinds of hot sandwiches-burgers, chicken, or fish-by adding tomato slices and other vegetables. If you're short on calcium, add cheese. For growing taller with a fiber boost, ask for a whole-wheat bun.

    Cut calories by ordering sandwiches without higher-fat condiments and special sauces, such as mayonnaise-based spreads and tartar sauce. Instead use mustard, relish, or ketchup. As a rule of thumb: calories go up with the number of "extras."

    Skip the super-size sandwich; go for the regular, junior, or single size instead. The bigger size can about double everything, including the calorie, fat, and sodium content. A large hamburger, for example, supplies about 510 calories and 28 fat grams compared with 275 calories and 12 fat grams in a regular hamburger. A regular burger has about 2 ounces of cooked meat, compared with 3 to 4 ounces in a larger sandwich. Double patties are bigger still.

    To lower the calories and the fat to grow taller in good weight proportions, remove the crispy crust from fried chicken and the skin from rotisserie chicken. Get grilled, skinless chicken. If you prefer fried chicken, order the regular variety rather than "extra-crispy," which soaks up more oil when cooked. The batter or the breading may have a high-sodium seasoning, too, so you can lower the sodium by removing the crust. And eat just one piece, rather than a two piece order. Chicken nuggets are usually fried and may contain skin and meat (white and dark). Poultry skin is high in fat so beware for people watching their lines.

    Choose broiled or baked fish if you have a choice to get omega oil and required proteins to grow taller in good health. But be aware that the fillets on most fish sandwiches are battered and fried. Go easy on tartar sauce; ask for tomato-based cocktail sauce instead.

    Food variety adds nutrients, so round out your fast-food meal with veggies, fruit, and calcium-rich foods to grow taller and have strong bones. Perhaps a salad, baked potato, carrot sticks, fruit, juice, milk, or frozen yogurt. In most fast-food restaurants your options are limited. Get the most nutrition mileage from the choices you have.

    Go easy on fries to limit calories and fat in an already higher-fat meal. Or ask for the small order, then share. French fries offer some vitamin C.If you have the option, ask for a plain baked potato or mashed potatoes to control calories and fat. Ask for gravy on the side to control how much you add. Find out how mashed potatoes with gravy are prepared; check the nutrition information to grow taller if it's posted.

    Go easy on soft drinks. Reasonable amounts are okay sometimes for their fluids, food energy, and enjoyment. They don't, however, contribute other nutrients supplied by milk, or fruit or vegetable juice. Large-size drinks can add up to a lot of calories: 150 for every 12 ounces of regular soft drinks, or 800 calories for a 64-ounce cup! Diet drinks supply essentially no calories-and no nutrients (except water).

    If the added calories match your eating plan to grow taller you should then enjoy a milk shake as part of your fast-food meal or snack. A shake of any flavor is a good calcium source-if it's made from milk. A 10-ounce strawberry shake contains about 320 calories. It can serve double duty-as both your beverage and dessert. Super-size shakes, with their 18 ounces, may supply a hefty 575 calories.

    Order a latte, cappuccino, or coffee or hot tea (chai) with low-fat or fat-free milk. Milk, rather than cream, is the calcium booster to grow taller and stronger bone structure.. Creamers are typically high in saturated fats, too. Remember: Sweetened ice tea and many flavored coffee drinks have added sugars, too.

    For a refreshing dessert, enjoy frozen yogurt or a scoop of ice cream. You may find low-fat versions on the menu. Either way, the small or kids' size offers a taste without preventing you from growing taller and stronger. For fewer calories, go easy on fudge sauce, candy pieces or mix-ins, or syrup toppings. A little of these toppings goes a long way. Ask for cut-up or dried fruit, nuts, or granola instead.

    About herbal mix-ins in smoothies? Bee pollen, ginseng, and other herbal mix-ins may cost extra in smoothies, yet not offer the benefits you think. The actual nutrient content depends on what you put on top-and the type of crust you order. The good news is: You can be the architect of your pizza, controlling the toppings along with the nutrient and calorie content and the flavor which contributes in developing your senses as you grow taller.

    Consider the crust. For more fiber, build your pizza on a whole-wheat crust. To trim the calories, order a thin-crust pizza rather than a thick-crust or deep-dish pizza. A stuffed-crust pizza can have considerably more calories and fat than a thinner-crust pizza; for example, 1 slice of a large stuffed-crust pizza may have 20 fat grams or more, and 450 calories or more.

    Enjoy the variety of toppings and new combinations available to grow taller in some pizza parlors. Many new toppings are vegetables-artichoke hearts, broccoli florets, eggplant, red bell peppers, and asparagus spears, as well as salmon, tuna, chicken, and shrimp! Want more flavor? Sprinkle on hot pepper flakes for no calories but lots of flavor.

    Order a salad to complement your pizza. Salad not only adds nutrients and fiber to grow taller, it also helps you fill up. You may be less likely to eat another pizza slice. Order a reasonable-size pizza. Limit yourself to two or three slices-or one slice if you're really watching calories to grow taller in proportionate size. Calories from any pizza, even a veggie pizza, add up when you eat just one more slice. A typical slice-an eighth of a 12-inch thin-crust meat and cheese pizza-supplies about 185 calories.

    If a bigger size is the better deal to grow taller bigger and stronger, wrap up the extra for the fridge before you start eating. You'll enjoy pizza again-and save time with lunch-the next day! Go halfzies. Order half the pizza your way if someone else prefers toppings with more fat. In that way you both get what you want to grow taller.

    For a different flavor, enjoy wood oven-baked pizza, or pizza with a regional twist: perhaps a Southwest pizza; a Cajun-style pizza; or a Hawaiian pizza with pineapple and lean ham.

    Saturday, May 18, 2013

    Furniture Kingdom - Italian Bed room Set LA Starr

    New modern cheap Italian Bed room looking for the fashionable customers who like to show class. The bed room set would come with a Mattress, Wardrobe, Bedroom table, Dressing...

    Friday, May 17, 2013

    10 Simple Strategies Of Five-Star Luxury Designing

    What exactly is it about hotels that's so appealing when you initially open the doorway and step inside? The "initial impact" hotels has upon its clients is among the most very important factors within the hotel business. Hotel designers realize the mental need for "first impressions." People understand what standards to anticipate once they enter an area or suite of the established brand-title hotel. If your customer's anticipation are met in an optimistic manner, the client is going to be back. If your customer's anticipation aren't satisfactorily met, your accommodation will forfeit business. People talk. It goes without saying of existence in almost any business.

    Five-star institutions set the standards for "first impressions." Their success is dependent on supplying their visitors a really enjoyable, otherwise awestruck, first impression, stimulating patrons' senses by sheer opulence and sweetness. Lavish décor and architecture resonate within every single suite.

    The modus operandi of hotel designing can be quite simple. You are able to incorporate the fundamental aspects of their systems of making five-star luxury in your house with little, if any, cost whatsoever. Luxurious living isn't always reserved solely for that wealthy.

    1.) Upon entering a five-star accommodation, the very first factor you purposely notice would be that the room is well-balanced. If there's one mattress, it is dependant on one wall. If you will find two beds, they're distanced properly apart on a single wall as the armoire, dresser and tv are usually situated around the opposite wall, directly opposite your bunk beds, developing a balance inside the primary part of the room. A sitting room, usually composed of the small table and 2 chairs, is centered while watching window area.

    2.) The following factor you'll purposely note while you enter your accommodation, would be that the area is clean. Spotless. The sinks, tub, bathroom tile and fittings literally shine and also you unconsciously request yourself, "How can they are doing that?" An important fact to keep in mind is the fact that rooms in hotels are disinfected just about any day. Through getting right into a practice of eliminating your personal tub or shower unit having a moist towel after each shower or bath every single day, you, too, is capable of exactly the same effect.

    3.) The key to sparkling fittings is dependent largely around the cleaning items which are used and just how frequently they're applied. For the particular cleaning items employed, a housekeeper's trolley consists of relatively couple of actual cleaning utility caddy. A higher-quality all-purpose spray cleaner, furniture polish, window cleaner as well as an effective carpet and fabric stain remover would be the fundamental necessities.

    It is just a guess, however it seems that certain good all-purpose cleaner is i did so the majority of the focus on the fittings and tile flooring, generally amounting to simply squirting it on and wiping them back. If this sounds like done consistently, next day of day, an area will not help but be clean. Lower-listed hotels could use something as fundamental as "Janitor Inside A Drum." The greater-listed places could use a significantly more expensive variation, possibly something similar to, "Jean e'Tour en la drumme."

    Rooms in hotels will also be "spring washed" every couple of days. Curtains are removed, washed and changed, lampshades and film frames are dusted, beds are turned and carpets are washed regularly.

    4.) Most likely the greatest key to all towards the hygiene factor of hotels is the fact that cleaning may be the final step from the hotel housekeeping operation. Expensive hotels housekeeper will start cleaning in the far finish from the room making her method to the doorway as she completes her project, departing an illusion the area she results in hasn't before been trodden. A freshly cleaned area supplies a psychologically inviting feeling. This really is equally true around the home front.

    5.) The following factor you will observe inside your freshly hired accommodation would be that the draperies will always be open and natural sunlight surges the region. Lighting is a vital factor associated with a room and natural sunlight gleaming right into a sparkling clean area helps make the shining mirrors, glass and lighting fittings glisten much better. In case your initial entrance towards the room is at night, the streetlights, lights from the surrounding city or even the outside lighting from the hotel courtyard likewise leave an essential effect on the first impression from the room.

    6.) Additionally, you will observe that rooms in hotels will always be lacking of clutter. There's no unnecessary debris taking on the top space around the dresser, table or bathroom vanity. Simple, yet elegant shows of fresh, whitened fluffy towels and other toiletries add the perfect touch towards the dressing area.

    7.) Fundamental hotel designing starts having a neutral color plan because neutral colors possess a natural attract most everybody. Once they stray from neutral tones in private rooms, designers are quick to understand, they're going into unknown personal preference areas that merely don't attract everybody. Neutral colors are psychologically relaxing, non-hostile, soothing and comforting.

    8.) The colour of hotels is supplied within the bed linen and only matching or matching curtains, which can be forever in earth-tone colors. The images on your wall likewise carry the colour-plan of the world tone colors of eco-friendly, brown and yellow with possibly a a little orange for effect.

    9.) Rooms in hotels all share another common component of getting quality, commercial grade furnishings and carpet, quality room-darkening draperies and bed linen and also the finest linens. Hotel towels and other toiletries are consistently whitened and neat and will never be stained or frazzled.

    Purchasing quality items for your own personel house is frequently less pricey over time because quality items tend to be more durable and last considerably longer than sub-standard merchandise. For instance, cheap towels frequently fray after their initial encounter having a washer. After 3-4 laundering, they appear tattered and ugly. Top quality towels frequently keep looking fluffy and new despite 40-50 laundering. Purchasing one quality towel rather than 2 or 3 cheap towels really is cheaper over time because it's not necessary to replace them as frequently.

    Getting a couple of extremely top quality products rather than plenty of low-quality goods occupies less space and enables you to feel luxurious. Quality items continue purchase, too.

    10.) The outstanding characteristic that sets a 5 star hotel over the relaxation, may be the freshly cut flower and greenery arrangement that contributes the ultimate decorative touch towards the area. With little cost, you are able to increase your own garden and add this special affect if you feel a necessity to really indulge.

    With these simple techniques, you, can also experience five-star luxury in your house. It is the small things which make a really large difference.

    Thursday, May 16, 2013

    The Queen Anne Dressing Table and Mirror by Design Toscano

    The Queen Anne Dressing Table and Mirror
    List Price : $750.00

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    The Queen Anne Dressing Table and Mirror may be the excellence thought for you to enhance of house and make your life less complicated. There are many of the other producers are spending their time and funds on fancy packages and capabilities that nobody genuinely requirements, we have gone in yet another aim. We would like to offer you a product that is in a position of handling anything that you occur to have in mind and finest top quality, not a thing that just appears nice coming out of the box. Our designers have taken a close appear at every single other product out there and what each person has stated about them, developing our models and make it perfectly finest for you.

    Our team of producer has been working extremely difficult to come up having a new invention that not simply does accurately what you bought it for, but The Queen Anne Dressing Table and Mirror will far exceed your expectations. This product is an advance selection inside the market at the moment. Base on all our knowledge and expertise in our product innovation make this clever item is extremely interested for everyone who thinking of their new house improvement.

    We usually spend attention on product top quality and also appropriate price tag. Lastly, The Queen Anne Dressing Table and Mirror will probably be your most wonderful item for every single consumer around the world and such as your self too.

    Click here for more on the The Queen Anne Dressing Table and Mirror full review & cheap price

    The Queen Anne Dressing Table and Mirror

    "Like those works of furniture art found in palaces along the Loire, our 18th-century dressing table boasts elegant style, restrained decoration and curvilinear form. Five drawers provide functional storage while the generous beveled mirror opens to reveal hooks from which to hang your favorite jewelry. Boasting hand-carved cabriolet legs and scalloped skirt, our hard-to-find, solid hardwood replica pays true homage to more highly priced original antiques. Simple assembly required. (Set includes desk and Mirror, stool not included.) Desk: 45""Wx19and 1/2""Dx32""H. Mirror: 27""Wx4""Dx32""H. Total weight: 77 lbs."


    • Hand-carved solid hardwood
    • Hand finished
    • Simple assembly

    Wednesday, May 15, 2013

    69 Places For Passion - Lusty Locations to create Love

    When searching to boost your sex life, a lot of couples search for adventurous or novel places to create love. You will find certain locations where enable sensual sex while some demand faster functions of passion. A bed room is really a comfortable spot to have sex but you will find a lot of exciting and lusty locations to possess passionate sex. Whether spontaneous and urgent or planned just for fun, sex in new locations could be very thrilling.

    Creative enthusiasts will always be looking for possibilities to obtain wild and frisky. With the proper inspiration, every single day sex could be changed into an memorable experience. You might have seen other lovemaking location lists but let us push the envelope and go not less than 69 -- usually a good number for sex ideas. Keep in mind that for many locations, you will find enjoyable sex activities apart from sexual intercourse. Dental and manual stimulation could be just like satisfying and much more practical in certain situations.

    Kidding around as people inside a moving vehicle (back chair while a buddy drives, discreetly inside a taxi, inside a limousine having a privacy screen).Inside a parked vehicle throughout an intimate or exciting event (watching fireworks, admiring a sunrise/sunset, sheltering from the thunderous thunderstorm).Inside a honeymoon suite although not throughout your Honeymoon. Elegant and fancy or designed just for fun, recreate your honeymoon or practice what it might be like.Inside a seedy motel. Arrive individually and roleplay a workplace colliege affair or perhaps a prostitute fantasy.Inside a top quality hotel suite having a breathtaking window view -- keep your curtains open should you dare.Inside a room with a minumum of one hundred candle lights casting a gentle glowing light over your naked physiques when you enjoy sensual pleasuring.Chilled fornication inside a snow fort or igloo you've made together is excellent fun. You may also fashion a unique mound to mount on.On the boat on view air (not below deck). Think about a canoe, row boat or rubber raft without having use of a yacht, sail or speed boat having a large deck.Clever with massage oil wresting on the plastic sheet or perhaps in a blowup pool.Within the shower taking pleasure in the sensual, slippery suds along with a hands held water massager. Intimate bathing and connecting or hot steamy sex -- no matter what suits your mood.Within an British garden encircled by aromatic blossoms. Allow it to be more enjoyable by dressing stylishly and indulge in this way of aristocratic debauchery.Inside a event gazebo underneath the stars, moonlight or noon day sun. Semi outside sex as secluded while you dare.On the king-size water mattress fitted with satin sheets and a lot of fluffy pillows.Inside a awesome, fast paced stream or small creek. A swirling pool within water fall is definitely an amazing location if you're able to locate one.On the swing sufficiently strong for 2. Really swinging along with transmission is tricky, however you will find a number of other fun activities that you can do including a swing.Inside a hammock between two palms on the secluded sea front beach.Inside a lookout tower or observatory. Finding one which supplies a scenic view and opportune privacy is going to be its very own adventure.Rear entry on the bridge while looking over the depth below. Much more intense on the swaying rope bridge for additional adrenaline hurry.Within the stairwell of the apartment or business building -- better exercise than using the elevator. (or around the stairs in your soul own house)On top of a sizable hill or small mountain underneath the stars or full moon. Eat the view having a wine bottle then enjoy one another.On the train. In both an uncommon, vacant vehicle or perhaps a private cabin, "using the tracks" is really a temptation to become attempted.Inside a van, the rear of a pickup or around the hood of the sports vehicle.While skinny sinking during the night inside a pool, river, lake or sea. Observe that awesome water can make some bits firmer while some shrink.Inside a bath, spa or health spa. Soak, soothe and sensually patting one another or stimulate wet and wild sex with invigorating water jets.On the roof. Outdoors around the flat surface of tall building or (carefully) on the low, slightly sloped roof could be thrilling.Inside a area of tall grass or flowers. A secluded, lush eco-friendly field alongside a little stream is perfect.Within cherry, apple or any other fruit tree entirely blossom. Benefit from the sensual sights, sounds and smells of Spring whenever feasible.On the pile of pillows. A variety of shapes, dimensions, colors and textures all stacked for pleasure. Possess a playful pillow fight. Try new positions.Inside a barn. A equine stable would bring the animal in your soul. The hayloft (on soft hay) could be very fun. Roleplay cowboy, stable hands or farmer's daughter.Deep inside a forest facing a sizable tree. Agile couples may even try various positions within the tree when the branches are simply right.Outdoors within the refreshing, awesome rain throughout a warm day or evening. Thunder and lightning increase the thrill.Securely within sheet metal roof throughout a hail storm or torrential lower pour.Anywhere underneath the hot sun by having an ice dildo. Make one by freezing a plastic water/pop bottle full of water and cutting the plastic off.Inside a sleeping bag on view air within obvious sky vibrant with stars. Go as far from city lights as you possibly can. Aurora lights can make it much more special.On the small island. Enjoy quiet seclusion or spice up with roleplay. Make believe you be castaways or, for any historic setting, a scout meeting a local very first time.On the beach around the hot, dry sand or directly on the shoreline using the waves lapping up surrounding you. Anywhere you can observe and listen to huge crashes waves.In the center of a sports area or stadium (course, soccer, football, rugby, race track, etc.). Probably best throughout off-season or during the night.Inside a cave, tunnel or within bridge. The echoes of the ecstasy or even the sounds of traffic overhead could be exciting.On the trampoline or blowup bouncer. Standing sexual intercourse while jumping might be tricky. A workout ball can give an identical bouncy feeling for other positions.In a tiny clothes or coat closet using the doorways closed so it's completely dark. Will someone open it up and catch you in the process? Fun at parties.On the pool like a forfeit for losing a couple of games of Dirty Pool or Six Nine Ball.On the fur rug/coat before a hot, glowing fire place during the night.In each and every room of your house as well as your lover's home if you reside individually.Artistically on or using stable furniture pieces. Around the counter top, dining room table, sofa, feet stool, etc. On the ground and facing the wall too.Before one or beneath one connected to the ceiling. Obtain a revealing new outlook during your ex making from new angles.Before a tripod mounted camcorder or webcam. Record later on, view live or stream for an internet audience if you are a exhibitionist.In a tiny vacation cabin, thatch hut, dirt hut or teepee. Range from the possibility when planning holidays.Inside a garage, boat house or outdoor storage shed. Surreptitiously meet while some are outdoors not aware of the naughty behavior.Inside a tree house or fort (whether chance discovery, your personal or perhaps a neighbors). Pretend you're teens kidding around the very first time.Alongside a wide open fire while camping. A roaring fire encourages passion while softly glowing embers during the night instill romance and closeness.On or against a clothes washer especially throughout the spin cycle.In a sex club or fetish party inside a private cubicle or displayed for other people to determine.On fitness equipment in a private gym. You'll certainly enjoy your exercise routine.Inside a dark corner of the dance club having a pulsing, pounding beat to grind to. A skirt with no panties/under garments makes mtss is a much simpler to do.Inside a parking area between parked cars/vans. Try subterranean and above ground parking lots but be mindful for home security systems and surveillance cameras.Cuddling together inside a sleeping bag in a tiny tent. Climate conditions, backwoods sounds or frightening tales can set the atmosphere.On the designated border line between two nations, states or provinces -Body part of each territory participating in diplomatic relations.In or near a graveyard at night time throughout a complete moon should you dare. Standing sex may have your legs trembling using the thrill.Inside a public bathroom, change room or perhaps a buddies bathroom. Novelty and the chance of getting caught being released together get this to exciting.On the plush lawn during the night or morning hours even though it is still wet with dew.Inside a theatre throughout an arousing show or to really make it more interesting. Make sure to bring some wet baby wipes to wash your fingers.Inside a pile of fallen leaves or freshly cut grass.Inside a mattress engrossed in rose flower petals or a lot of money.On the private patio, porch or deck (poolside better still). A sturdy lawn chair or table, airbed or perhaps a couple of chair cushions may prove useful.Within an elevator (late during the night on the week day may well be a great time and dress for any quickie).In a costume party. Dress the part for any sexy roleplaying scenario. Flirt and play act before you can privately meet to satisfy your fantasy.On a higher rise apartment balcony or alongside a sizable window close to the top floor. Try standing rear entry while searching lower below.Inside a private adult game room filled with a multitude of pleasuring implements. Bondage products, costumes, toys along with other toys and games will whet your desire.In the walk in vault (it's happened but has a tendency to require an worker or owner to facilitate). A stroll in fridge or supply room is really a quick alternative.

    Some lovemaking locations may really be considered a little tricky, pricey, too exotic or perhaps slightly harmful based upon your conditions. However, if the idea intrigues you, you could setup a predicament and roleplay a scenario inside a pretend location. After some imagination along with a couple of props, you may create an illusion setting to satisfy your desires. You may also recreate historic, whimsical or alien space configurations.

    Monday, May 13, 2013

    Dressing Table Brass Mirror, Turquoise Garnets Frame, Louis XIV Antique French, circa 1840 by Lavish Shoestring

    By now you may familiar with shopping on the web. You will find countless advertising all over the web for the net shoppers around the world. Lavish Shoestring is introducing you to Dressing Table Brass Mirror, Turquoise Garnets Frame, Louis XIV Antique French, circa 1840 1 of our clever merchandises. And we are giving you 1 a lot more very good option for your world wide web shopping. Surely this product will impress you and everyone.

    Dressing Table Brass Mirror, Turquoise Garnets Frame, Louis XIV Antique French, circa 1840

    Official production launched the Dressing Table Brass Mirror, Turquoise Garnets Frame, Louis XIV Antique French, circa 1840 newest item for your home with the most effective technology. This is the excellence product which is come from our knowledge and skill. Numerous forms of supplies that specialize in the producing of this item came from the most effective researched. We designed this item to fit in each single residence. And This is going to become the greatest gift which you brought to your residence.

    The numbers of worldwide satisfy customers are rising quickly after this fantastic items came out on the web market place. It is a qualify proof that this item is positive exciting. Base on its best top quality and which includes a fair price tag. If compare to yet another related product that selling on the web around the world at the moment. We confidently suggest you to become 1 of our customers by get Dressing Table Brass Mirror, Turquoise Garnets Frame, Louis XIV Antique French, circa 1840 for yourself. So Lavish Shoestring will be a part to create your beautiful residence.

    Dressing Table Brass Mirror, Turquoise Garnets Frame, Louis XIV Antique French, circa 1840
    List Price : $750.00

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    A very attractive antique French Louis XIV style table top or wall brass mirror. Floral border topped with a face vignette and set with small turquoise stones and four large garnet cabouchons; back with a stand support.


    • 16 3/8 x 11 3/8 inches
    • Superb decorative accent for home interior
    • Brass, glass, turquoise, garnets
    • French, circa 1840; extremely rare
    • Antique - in fine condition

    Saturday, May 11, 2013

    Ladies Dressing Table

    This can be a recent project I've been focusing on, it had been certainly one of about 13 designs designed for the customer (031808) by which it was refined and selected because the fina...

    Wednesday, May 8, 2013

    Black Glass Mirrors By Exclusive Mirrors

    Black glass produces sleek, modern, contemporary mirrors that flatter nearly every decor. Find your ideal Black Glass Mirror from Exclusive Mirrors today...

    Monday, May 6, 2013

    Elvis Presley's Love: Priscilla or Ann-Margaret?

    A couple of days into production on "Girl Happy," Ann-Margret found visit Elvis around the set. I was filming through the night around the back large amount of MGM, renowned for many classic movies returning towards the golden era of Hollywood. They'd met annually before when she costarred with him in "Viva Vegas," and also the attraction between both of these sex symbols was immediate Elvis grew to become deeply infatuated together with her. Gossip been with them that things together were serious Elvis ignored the tales as studio publicity, however they were true. Priscilla made her displeasure recognized to Elvis, despite the fact that he pleaded his innocence, she really did not purchase it. Neither did other people who understood him.

    When Ann-Margret walked to the back lot around eleven o'clock one evening, all eyes were instantly glued to her, including Elvis' - he illuminated as an incandescent light. When Elvis finished shooting his scene, he eagerly walked to her. They hugged, after which he required her through the hands and motioned me to follow along with them. We joined Elvis' small, cramped dressing room trailer with barely enough space for 2 people, not to mention three. Elvis sitting themself in a small table before one encircled by bulbs and so i could do his hair.

    Being careful of Elvis' hair was certainly another experience for me personally that evening. Of course, my first obligation was to make sure Elvis' hair looked perfect, camera-ready for his next scene. But this time around I had been engrossed within the interchange between Elvis and Ann-Margaret, the area buzzing with electricity as well as their feelings flying in most directions. Every time they checked out each other themselves-awareness and magnetic attraction were apparent and transparent. My primary dilemma ended up being to perform the task at hands regardless of the distractions. There' was, standing together in very tight quarters, brushing Elvis' hair with Ann-Margret's body so near to mine which i could really feel her breasts on my small back. Discuss a blessing and curse! It had been a difficult job...but somebody needed to get it done.

    Elvis and Ann-Margret were beautiful together they shared a power and enthusiasm for existence that made you are feeling happy on their behalf. Elvis was very keen on her and loved to create her laugh.

    They appeared to possess all of the elements to have an long lasting relationship, but Elvis confided that they intimidated him. She'd her very own very effective career, which she wasn't going to throw over for anybody, and - more to the point - she was independent and wouldn't have a submissive role. Couple of lady Elvis grew to become associated with had that type of resolve and feeling of self.

    Elvis recognized that he'd never exert the treatments for her he had then on the youthful, unskilled Priscilla. It inevitably came lower to some choice between Priscilla, someone Elvis thought he could sequester a few 1000 miles away whenever he desired to enjoy his "freedom," and Ann-Margret, who challenged him, if perhaps because her existence did not center around his. It had been challenging he never rose to with any lady.

    Several hrs after Ann-Margret left all, Elvis and that i retreated to his dressing room between moments. Elvis did not waste one minute, plunging directly into that which was foremost on his mind. "Lawrence, it's between Ann and Priscilla. And what's really strange is they look a lot alike, similar to siblings. But to be honest I do not think things works by helping cover their Ann and me. Two egos like ours, two careers. There's certain to be conflicts. I truly take care of her. But to inform ya the reality, I truly don't believe it might be an enduring factor."

    Elvis then described what he thought was the primary obstacle to ongoing with Ann. "Women should stay home and lift a household. That's the way i was elevated." A little smile crept over Elvis' face. "I'll let you know something I learned a very long time ago. There's more to existence than lust."

    Within the wilds of Hollywood, Elvis' attitudes towards women were almost quaint. He eschewed promiscuity, although he'd certainly been through some wild periods. "Guy, after i found that I had been entering the military I went hog wild. Ray, I'd sex with each and every girl I possibly could find. I went so far as I possibly could, until I acquired so exhausted I wound up within the hospital. I suppose I desired that have it helped me realize then that sex without love or affection is really a waste."

    "Besides, I am dedicated to Priscilla," he stated, "and at some point I'll meet my promise to her and also to her father. Priscilla jogs my memory of my mother. She would like to become a mother and lift children. She does not desire a showbiz career she just really wants to be my spouse.Inch

    Elvis appeared very satisfied and content he had made this kind of important decision, along with a couple of years later he stored his promise and married Priscilla. He continued to be very keen on Ann-Margaret, as well as their friendship survived the relaxation of his existence.

    Sunday, May 5, 2013

    Dressing Table p2.m4v

    This is actually the top 1 / 2 of the dressing table. Quite a bit involved.....

    Saturday, May 4, 2013

    Coaster Furniture 300064 Mission Style Vanity with Swivel Mirror and Stool in Walnut 300064 from Coaster Home Furnishings

    Coaster Furniture 300064 Mission Style Vanity with Swivel Mirror and Stool in Walnut 300064

    Within the event that you could be trying to locate a terrific surprise for yourself or an individual that you purely care. This is actually going to be an excellent obtainable chance to permit yourself to expertise with our great product which is going to be the first brilliant option for you. Our professional style teams are completely attentive in Coaster Home Furnishings manufacturing method improvement to carry out you the Coaster Furniture 300064 Mission Style Vanity with Swivel Mirror and Stool in Walnut 300064, our recent excellence item that we're quite proud. Supplying the complete and clever thought for the very best result in each new product is more concerned for us.

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    Coaster Furniture 300064 Mission Style Vanity with Swivel Mirror and Stool in Walnut 300064
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    This group offers a variety of stylish vanities to complement your taste. Constructed of both metal and wood, with many different styles and finishes available, you are sure to find the perfect vanity to meet your needs. Convenient storage options, attached mirrors, and matching stools are some of the great functional features of these gorgeous vanities. Choose the perfect piece for your home, to create a relaxing and warm spot to prepare for your day. This beautiful mission style vanity set will be a welcome addition to your master bedroom or dressing area. The vanity has a smooth table top for all of your essentials, with two small drawers for frequently used items like make-up and hair care products. A vertical swivel mirror is attached to the top, adding depth and light to your room, while helping you get ready for your day. Square wooden legs and distinctive side slats support the piece, all in a deep warm medium finish for a rich look. The matching stool features the same square legs and slats, with a soft neutral fabric covered seat for comfort and elegance. Place this vanity set in your bedroom for a quick style update, and a great place to get ready for your day.,Assembly required: No Country of origin: Taiwan Finish: Walnut Mirror: Vertical Swivel Vanity Number of Drawers: 2 Stool Dimensions: 19"W x 16"D x 17-1 2"H Style: Traditional Vanity Dimensions: 31-3 4"W x 18-3 4"D x 53-1 4"H Weight: 61.05


    • Vanity Table With Stool -
    • Warm medium finish
    • 2 storage drawers
    • Vertical swivel mirror
    • Comprises of 1 x Vanity Table and 1 x Vanity Stool

    Thursday, May 2, 2013

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    Wednesday, May 1, 2013

    8 Suggestions for Designing a Victorian Bed room

    For a lot of a Victorian style bed room comes with an antique but typically feminine feel to. The Victorian times began within the 1830's and was around until 1900 (when Full Victoria died) and you will find many versions available relevant to design for a Victorian bed room but hopefully what exactly provided below can help you when designing a Victorian bed room on your own.

    1. Mattress

    A Victorian mattress ought to be flashy wooden affair or produced from either cast-iron, brass or a mix of these two metals. You might have the ability to obtain a skilled contractor to create or adapt a complete mattress to full size or merging twin beds together to make a king-size. But when you absolutely do not have the money to invest on this type of luxury you will find many modern reproduction beds offered at a small fraction of the price.

    2. Dressing the Mattress

    The mattress ought to be ornately outfitted with the canopy and drapes, plenty of pillows, flounces, laces and ribbons along with other trims. If you're able to find the local fabric store and find out should they have period type quilts etc., available.

    3. Tables

    It is crucial that you include whether marble capped table or cabinet inside your room design in addition to a wicker, bamboo or faux bamboo table, round or skirted table like a nightstand. Why don't you go to your local junk or antique shop to determine what switched and created wooden tables they've already for inclusion inside your design from those years.

    4. Lighting

    It is essential that you receive the sunlight in designing a Victorian bed room which will include the classic ginger root-jar style, or individuals that are manufactured from porcelain, very or brass. You may also choose candlepower unit holders that have been changed for use like a light. Under each light you need to convey a crocheted doily for acquiring the authentic period look.

    5. Night stands &lifier Dresser

    These ought to be typically produced from either dark stained oak, mahogany or walnut and become adorned with designs and carvings, pediments and also have either ornate brass or created wooden drawer pulls. You might be lucky to locate ones that in addition have a candle stand, slanting mirror and marble the top to the them.

    6. Flooring

    To supply that authentic Victorian turn to your bed room use Oriental rugs or hay type mats. You might if you want us hooked or machine loomed area rugs which have a floral or perhaps a swirly abstract pattern in it.

    7. Add-ons

    Such add-ons you need to use in your living space are period pictures (include subjects for example botanicals, children, maidens (youthful women) and creatures during these pictures). Likewise incorporate a more sophisticated golden or stained wood presented mirror directly into your design. If you're able to also place flowers in period style vases within the room and go to your local junk or antique shop to locate some Victorian style memorabilia for inclusion inside your design for example china dishes and collectible figurines.

    8. Home windows

    These ought to be outfitted with full curtains or drapes that have ruffles, window valances, braid, lace, bows and tassels in it (but you don't have to have every just a few will suffice). The types of materials your ought to be using to decorate your home windows ought to be either velvet, brocade, delicate florals after which layered with lace sheers.

    So designing a Victorian bed room can be very easy all that you should do is simply do a little research and hopefully you'll have the ability to design and decorate the bed room you've always dreamt of.